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Educational activity book for children who visit us

Many activities to complete, think, and remember coloring. So you'll see everything you've learned about the Pirate Museum and the Villa de Teguise. Download here

The Museum

As Canary archipelago located at the crossroads of American routes was from the discovery of America a stage for international piracy that is the message of the museum exhibition of Piracy in Teguise. Read more

The Catalog

Timeline of the municipality of Teguise, its buildings, offices, the first pirate raids on the island to the capture of slaves through the major attacks in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and the most famous pirates of the time Read more

The Pirates

Many of the pirates who would become famous for his "exploits" in the Caribbean are part of the history of the Canary archipelago turn this into a stopover point on the journey in which some exercised brigandage with impunity. Read more

Pirata de la semana

Piratas célebres: el pirata de la semana es Edward England

Canal Historia

Piratas del siglo XXI, El Odyssey

Piratas célebres: el pirata de la semana es Edward England


Ilustraciones para todos los gustos

Piratas célebres: el pirata de la semana es Edward England


Las mejores películas de piratas de la historia.

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